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Legend (Public/District_Plan_Miscellaneous)

Metropolitan Centre Zone Structure Plan (0)
Base Area A Base Area A
Base Area B Base Area B
Base Area C Base Area C
Earthworks Earthworks
Reserve Reserve
Residential Residential
SWretention SWretention
SandDune Protection SandDune Protection
Plan Outline Plan Outline
Airport 45db, 55db areas (1)
45db area 45db area
55db area 55db area
Airport Lines (2)
Approach Approach
Arrow Arrow
End End
Airport Plan and Surfaces (3)
Runway 16-34 Transitional Surface Runway 16-34 Transitional Surface
Runway 16-34 Approach Surface Runway 16-34 Approach Surface
Runway 16-34 Takeoff Surface Runway 16-34 Takeoff Surface
Runway 16-34 Visual Segment Surface Runway 16-34 Visual Segment Surface
Grass Runway 12-30 Takeoff/Approach OLS Grass Runway 12-30 Takeoff/Approach OLS
Horizontal Surface 50mA.M.S.L Horizontal Surface 50mA.M.S.L
Conical Surface 1:20 Conical Surface 1:20
Airport Potential Residential Area (4)
Waikanae Nth/Otaki Nth Urban Edge (5)
Otaki North Urban Boundary (6)
District Plan 1999 Features (7)
20m Building Line Restriction 20m Building Line Restriction
30m Relocatable Area 30m Relocatable Area
Rivers Streams and Drains (8)